diff --git a/.Rprofile b/.Rprofile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81b960f5c6a8ee40840badd620f8af9743787730 --- /dev/null +++ b/.Rprofile @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +source("renv/activate.R") diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1972135159222d2ee6e3dda11efe5fc4519dfba8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +.Rproj.user +.Rhistory +.RData +.Ruserdata +ShinyTuto.Rproj diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5ffe3ca04997751e72bb5a8f75d7fa024908828c..10f0a623515ead763643cbc0c102bbe27ecc028e 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,93 +1,10 @@ # Shiny Tutorial - - ## Getting started -To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps. - -Already a pro? Just edit this README.md and make it your own. Want to make it easy? [Use the template at the bottom](#editing-this-readme)! - -## Add your files - -- [ ] [Create](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/web_editor.html#create-a-file) or [upload](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/web_editor.html#upload-a-file) files -- [ ] [Add files using the command line](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/gitlab-basics/add-file.html#add-a-file-using-the-command-line) or push an existing Git repository with the following command: - -``` -cd existing_repo -git remote add origin https://forgemia.inra.fr/joseph.tran/shiny-tutorial.git -git branch -M main -git push -uf origin main -``` - -## Integrate with your tools - -- [ ] [Set up project integrations](https://forgemia.inra.fr/joseph.tran/shiny-tutorial/-/settings/integrations) - -## Collaborate with your team - -- [ ] [Invite team members and collaborators](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/members/) -- [ ] [Create a new merge request](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/creating_merge_requests.html) -- [ ] [Automatically close issues from merge requests](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/managing_issues.html#closing-issues-automatically) -- [ ] [Enable merge request approvals](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/approvals/) -- [ ] [Set auto-merge](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/merge_when_pipeline_succeeds.html) - -## Test and Deploy - -Use the built-in continuous integration in GitLab. - -- [ ] [Get started with GitLab CI/CD](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/quick_start/index.html) -- [ ] [Analyze your code for known vulnerabilities with Static Application Security Testing (SAST)](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/application_security/sast/) -- [ ] [Deploy to Kubernetes, Amazon EC2, or Amazon ECS using Auto Deploy](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/autodevops/requirements.html) -- [ ] [Use pull-based deployments for improved Kubernetes management](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/clusters/agent/) -- [ ] [Set up protected environments](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/environments/protected_environments.html) - -*** - -# Editing this README - -When you're ready to make this README your own, just edit this file and use the handy template below (or feel free to structure it however you want - this is just a starting point!). Thanks to [makeareadme.com](https://www.makeareadme.com/) for this template. - -## Suggestions for a good README - -Every project is different, so consider which of these sections apply to yours. The sections used in the template are suggestions for most open source projects. Also keep in mind that while a README can be too long and detailed, too long is better than too short. If you think your README is too long, consider utilizing another form of documentation rather than cutting out information. - -## Name -Choose a self-explaining name for your project. - -## Description -Let people know what your project can do specifically. Provide context and add a link to any reference visitors might be unfamiliar with. A list of Features or a Background subsection can also be added here. If there are alternatives to your project, this is a good place to list differentiating factors. - -## Badges -On some READMEs, you may see small images that convey metadata, such as whether or not all the tests are passing for the project. You can use Shields to add some to your README. Many services also have instructions for adding a badge. - -## Visuals -Depending on what you are making, it can be a good idea to include screenshots or even a video (you'll frequently see GIFs rather than actual videos). Tools like ttygif can help, but check out Asciinema for a more sophisticated method. - -## Installation -Within a particular ecosystem, there may be a common way of installing things, such as using Yarn, NuGet, or Homebrew. However, consider the possibility that whoever is reading your README is a novice and would like more guidance. Listing specific steps helps remove ambiguity and gets people to using your project as quickly as possible. If it only runs in a specific context like a particular programming language version or operating system or has dependencies that have to be installed manually, also add a Requirements subsection. - -## Usage -Use examples liberally, and show the expected output if you can. It's helpful to have inline the smallest example of usage that you can demonstrate, while providing links to more sophisticated examples if they are too long to reasonably include in the README. - -## Support -Tell people where they can go to for help. It can be any combination of an issue tracker, a chat room, an email address, etc. - -## Roadmap -If you have ideas for releases in the future, it is a good idea to list them in the README. - -## Contributing -State if you are open to contributions and what your requirements are for accepting them. - -For people who want to make changes to your project, it's helpful to have some documentation on how to get started. Perhaps there is a script that they should run or some environment variables that they need to set. Make these steps explicit. These instructions could also be useful to your future self. - -You can also document commands to lint the code or run tests. These steps help to ensure high code quality and reduce the likelihood that the changes inadvertently break something. Having instructions for running tests is especially helpful if it requires external setup, such as starting a Selenium server for testing in a browser. - -## Authors and acknowledgment -Show your appreciation to those who have contributed to the project. +1. Clone this repository and open the `shiny-tutorial.Rproj` file in RStudio. +2. Open the `shiny_tutorial.Rmd` +3. Execute the shiny tutorial using the button `Run the document` +4. Follow the steps and complete the exercises -## License -For open source projects, say how it is licensed. -## Project status -If you have run out of energy or time for your project, put a note at the top of the README saying that development has slowed down or stopped completely. Someone may choose to fork your project or volunteer to step in as a maintainer or owner, allowing your project to keep going. You can also make an explicit request for maintainers. diff --git a/renv.lock b/renv.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ef36d03a8d30daf16460383958959bf400fc285 --- /dev/null +++ b/renv.lock @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +{ + "R": { + "Version": "4.3.3", + "Repositories": [ + { + "Name": "CRAN", + "URL": "https://cloud.r-project.org" + } + ] + }, + "Packages": { + "renv": { + "Package": "renv", + "Version": "1.0.5", + "Source": "Repository", + "Repository": "CRAN", + "Requirements": [ + "utils" + ], + "Hash": "32c3f93e8360f667ca5863272ec8ba6a" + } + } +} diff --git a/renv/.gitignore b/renv/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ec0cbba2d7755cbd91956afaa585449906a1e16 --- /dev/null +++ b/renv/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +library/ +local/ +cellar/ +lock/ +python/ +sandbox/ +staging/ diff --git a/renv/activate.R b/renv/activate.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b2e7f18413ee15a187684439a02cc65308d336e --- /dev/null +++ b/renv/activate.R @@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@ + +local({ + + # the requested version of renv + version <- "1.0.5" + attr(version, "sha") <- NULL + + # the project directory + project <- getwd() + + # use start-up diagnostics if enabled + diagnostics <- Sys.getenv("RENV_STARTUP_DIAGNOSTICS", unset = "FALSE") + if (diagnostics) { + start <- Sys.time() + profile <- tempfile("renv-startup-", fileext = ".Rprof") + utils::Rprof(profile) + on.exit({ + utils::Rprof(NULL) + elapsed <- signif(difftime(Sys.time(), start, units = "auto"), digits = 2L) + writeLines(sprintf("- renv took %s to run the autoloader.", format(elapsed))) + writeLines(sprintf("- Profile: %s", profile)) + print(utils::summaryRprof(profile)) + }, add = TRUE) + } + + # figure out whether the autoloader is enabled + enabled <- local({ + + # first, check config option + override <- getOption("renv.config.autoloader.enabled") + if (!is.null(override)) + return(override) + + # if we're being run in a context where R_LIBS is already set, + # don't load -- presumably we're being run as a sub-process and + # the parent process has already set up library paths for us + rcmd <- Sys.getenv("R_CMD", unset = NA) + rlibs <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBS", unset = NA) + if (!is.na(rlibs) && !is.na(rcmd)) + return(FALSE) + + # next, check environment variables + # TODO: prefer using the configuration one in the future + envvars <- c( + "RENV_CONFIG_AUTOLOADER_ENABLED", + "RENV_AUTOLOADER_ENABLED", + "RENV_ACTIVATE_PROJECT" + ) + + for (envvar in envvars) { + envval <- Sys.getenv(envvar, unset = NA) + if (!is.na(envval)) + return(tolower(envval) %in% c("true", "t", "1")) + } + + # enable by default + TRUE + + }) + + # bail if we're not enabled + if (!enabled) { + + # if we're not enabled, we might still need to manually load + # the user profile here + profile <- Sys.getenv("R_PROFILE_USER", unset = "~/.Rprofile") + if (file.exists(profile)) { + cfg <- Sys.getenv("RENV_CONFIG_USER_PROFILE", unset = "TRUE") + if (tolower(cfg) %in% c("true", "t", "1")) + sys.source(profile, envir = globalenv()) + } + + return(FALSE) + + } + + # avoid recursion + if (identical(getOption("renv.autoloader.running"), TRUE)) { + warning("ignoring recursive attempt to run renv autoloader") + return(invisible(TRUE)) + } + + # signal that we're loading renv during R startup + options(renv.autoloader.running = TRUE) + on.exit(options(renv.autoloader.running = NULL), add = TRUE) + + # signal that we've consented to use renv + options(renv.consent = TRUE) + + # load the 'utils' package eagerly -- this ensures that renv shims, which + # mask 'utils' packages, will come first on the search path + library(utils, lib.loc = .Library) + + # unload renv if it's already been loaded + if ("renv" %in% loadedNamespaces()) + unloadNamespace("renv") + + # load bootstrap tools + `%||%` <- function(x, y) { + if (is.null(x)) y else x + } + + catf <- function(fmt, ..., appendLF = TRUE) { + + quiet <- getOption("renv.bootstrap.quiet", default = FALSE) + if (quiet) + return(invisible()) + + msg <- sprintf(fmt, ...) + cat(msg, file = stdout(), sep = if (appendLF) "\n" else "") + + invisible(msg) + + } + + header <- function(label, + ..., + prefix = "#", + suffix = "-", + n = min(getOption("width"), 78)) + { + label <- sprintf(label, ...) + n <- max(n - nchar(label) - nchar(prefix) - 2L, 8L) + if (n <= 0) + return(paste(prefix, label)) + + tail <- paste(rep.int(suffix, n), collapse = "") + paste0(prefix, " ", label, " ", tail) + + } + + startswith <- function(string, prefix) { + substring(string, 1, nchar(prefix)) == prefix + } + + bootstrap <- function(version, library) { + + friendly <- renv_bootstrap_version_friendly(version) + section <- header(sprintf("Bootstrapping renv %s", friendly)) + catf(section) + + # attempt to download renv + catf("- Downloading renv ... ", appendLF = FALSE) + withCallingHandlers( + tarball <- renv_bootstrap_download(version), + error = function(err) { + catf("FAILED") + stop("failed to download:\n", conditionMessage(err)) + } + ) + catf("OK") + on.exit(unlink(tarball), add = TRUE) + + # now attempt to install + catf("- Installing renv ... ", appendLF = FALSE) + withCallingHandlers( + status <- renv_bootstrap_install(version, tarball, library), + error = function(err) { + catf("FAILED") + stop("failed to install:\n", conditionMessage(err)) + } + ) + catf("OK") + + # add empty line to break up bootstrapping from normal output + catf("") + + return(invisible()) + } + + renv_bootstrap_tests_running <- function() { + getOption("renv.tests.running", default = FALSE) + } + + renv_bootstrap_repos <- function() { + + # get CRAN repository + cran <- getOption("renv.repos.cran", "https://cloud.r-project.org") + + # check for repos override + repos <- Sys.getenv("RENV_CONFIG_REPOS_OVERRIDE", unset = NA) + if (!is.na(repos)) { + + # check for RSPM; if set, use a fallback repository for renv + rspm <- Sys.getenv("RSPM", unset = NA) + if (identical(rspm, repos)) + repos <- c(RSPM = rspm, CRAN = cran) + + return(repos) + + } + + # check for lockfile repositories + repos <- tryCatch(renv_bootstrap_repos_lockfile(), error = identity) + if (!inherits(repos, "error") && length(repos)) + return(repos) + + # retrieve current repos + repos <- getOption("repos") + + # ensure @CRAN@ entries are resolved + repos[repos == "@CRAN@"] <- cran + + # add in renv.bootstrap.repos if set + default <- c(FALLBACK = "https://cloud.r-project.org") + extra <- getOption("renv.bootstrap.repos", default = default) + repos <- c(repos, extra) + + # remove duplicates that might've snuck in + dupes <- duplicated(repos) | duplicated(names(repos)) + repos[!dupes] + + } + + renv_bootstrap_repos_lockfile <- function() { + + lockpath <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_LOCKFILE", unset = "renv.lock") + if (!file.exists(lockpath)) + return(NULL) + + lockfile <- tryCatch(renv_json_read(lockpath), error = identity) + if (inherits(lockfile, "error")) { + warning(lockfile) + return(NULL) + } + + repos <- lockfile$R$Repositories + if (length(repos) == 0) + return(NULL) + + keys <- vapply(repos, `[[`, "Name", FUN.VALUE = character(1)) + vals <- vapply(repos, `[[`, "URL", FUN.VALUE = character(1)) + names(vals) <- keys + + return(vals) + + } + + renv_bootstrap_download <- function(version) { + + sha <- attr(version, "sha", exact = TRUE) + + methods <- if (!is.null(sha)) { + + # attempting to bootstrap a development version of renv + c( + function() renv_bootstrap_download_tarball(sha), + function() renv_bootstrap_download_github(sha) + ) + + } else { + + # attempting to bootstrap a release version of renv + c( + function() renv_bootstrap_download_tarball(version), + function() renv_bootstrap_download_cran_latest(version), + function() renv_bootstrap_download_cran_archive(version) + ) + + } + + for (method in methods) { + path <- tryCatch(method(), error = identity) + if (is.character(path) && file.exists(path)) + return(path) + } + + stop("All download methods failed") + + } + + renv_bootstrap_download_impl <- function(url, destfile) { + + mode <- "wb" + + # https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17715 + fixup <- + Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows" && + substring(url, 1L, 5L) == "file:" + + if (fixup) + mode <- "w+b" + + args <- list( + url = url, + destfile = destfile, + mode = mode, + quiet = TRUE + ) + + if ("headers" %in% names(formals(utils::download.file))) + args$headers <- renv_bootstrap_download_custom_headers(url) + + do.call(utils::download.file, args) + + } + + renv_bootstrap_download_custom_headers <- function(url) { + + headers <- getOption("renv.download.headers") + if (is.null(headers)) + return(character()) + + if (!is.function(headers)) + stopf("'renv.download.headers' is not a function") + + headers <- headers(url) + if (length(headers) == 0L) + return(character()) + + if (is.list(headers)) + headers <- unlist(headers, recursive = FALSE, use.names = TRUE) + + ok <- + is.character(headers) && + is.character(names(headers)) && + all(nzchar(names(headers))) + + if (!ok) + stop("invocation of 'renv.download.headers' did not return a named character vector") + + headers + + } + + renv_bootstrap_download_cran_latest <- function(version) { + + spec <- renv_bootstrap_download_cran_latest_find(version) + type <- spec$type + repos <- spec$repos + + baseurl <- utils::contrib.url(repos = repos, type = type) + ext <- if (identical(type, "source")) + ".tar.gz" + else if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") + ".zip" + else + ".tgz" + name <- sprintf("renv_%s%s", version, ext) + url <- paste(baseurl, name, sep = "/") + + destfile <- file.path(tempdir(), name) + status <- tryCatch( + renv_bootstrap_download_impl(url, destfile), + condition = identity + ) + + if (inherits(status, "condition")) + return(FALSE) + + # report success and return + destfile + + } + + renv_bootstrap_download_cran_latest_find <- function(version) { + + # check whether binaries are supported on this system + binary <- + getOption("renv.bootstrap.binary", default = TRUE) && + !identical(.Platform$pkgType, "source") && + !identical(getOption("pkgType"), "source") && + Sys.info()[["sysname"]] %in% c("Darwin", "Windows") + + types <- c(if (binary) "binary", "source") + + # iterate over types + repositories + for (type in types) { + for (repos in renv_bootstrap_repos()) { + + # retrieve package database + db <- tryCatch( + as.data.frame( + utils::available.packages(type = type, repos = repos), + stringsAsFactors = FALSE + ), + error = identity + ) + + if (inherits(db, "error")) + next + + # check for compatible entry + entry <- db[db$Package %in% "renv" & db$Version %in% version, ] + if (nrow(entry) == 0) + next + + # found it; return spec to caller + spec <- list(entry = entry, type = type, repos = repos) + return(spec) + + } + } + + # if we got here, we failed to find renv + fmt <- "renv %s is not available from your declared package repositories" + stop(sprintf(fmt, version)) + + } + + renv_bootstrap_download_cran_archive <- function(version) { + + name <- sprintf("renv_%s.tar.gz", version) + repos <- renv_bootstrap_repos() + urls <- file.path(repos, "src/contrib/Archive/renv", name) + destfile <- file.path(tempdir(), name) + + for (url in urls) { + + status <- tryCatch( + renv_bootstrap_download_impl(url, destfile), + condition = identity + ) + + if (identical(status, 0L)) + return(destfile) + + } + + return(FALSE) + + } + + renv_bootstrap_download_tarball <- function(version) { + + # if the user has provided the path to a tarball via + # an environment variable, then use it + tarball <- Sys.getenv("RENV_BOOTSTRAP_TARBALL", unset = NA) + if (is.na(tarball)) + return() + + # allow directories + if (dir.exists(tarball)) { + name <- sprintf("renv_%s.tar.gz", version) + tarball <- file.path(tarball, name) + } + + # bail if it doesn't exist + if (!file.exists(tarball)) { + + # let the user know we weren't able to honour their request + fmt <- "- RENV_BOOTSTRAP_TARBALL is set (%s) but does not exist." + msg <- sprintf(fmt, tarball) + warning(msg) + + # bail + return() + + } + + catf("- Using local tarball '%s'.", tarball) + tarball + + } + + renv_bootstrap_download_github <- function(version) { + + enabled <- Sys.getenv("RENV_BOOTSTRAP_FROM_GITHUB", unset = "TRUE") + if (!identical(enabled, "TRUE")) + return(FALSE) + + # prepare download options + pat <- Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT") + if (nzchar(Sys.which("curl")) && nzchar(pat)) { + fmt <- "--location --fail --header \"Authorization: token %s\"" + extra <- sprintf(fmt, pat) + saved <- options("download.file.method", "download.file.extra") + options(download.file.method = "curl", download.file.extra = extra) + on.exit(do.call(base::options, saved), add = TRUE) + } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("wget")) && nzchar(pat)) { + fmt <- "--header=\"Authorization: token %s\"" + extra <- sprintf(fmt, pat) + saved <- options("download.file.method", "download.file.extra") + options(download.file.method = "wget", download.file.extra = extra) + on.exit(do.call(base::options, saved), add = TRUE) + } + + url <- file.path("https://api.github.com/repos/rstudio/renv/tarball", version) + name <- sprintf("renv_%s.tar.gz", version) + destfile <- file.path(tempdir(), name) + + status <- tryCatch( + renv_bootstrap_download_impl(url, destfile), + condition = identity + ) + + if (!identical(status, 0L)) + return(FALSE) + + renv_bootstrap_download_augment(destfile) + + return(destfile) + + } + + # Add Sha to DESCRIPTION. This is stop gap until #890, after which we + # can use renv::install() to fully capture metadata. + renv_bootstrap_download_augment <- function(destfile) { + sha <- renv_bootstrap_git_extract_sha1_tar(destfile) + if (is.null(sha)) { + return() + } + + # Untar + tempdir <- tempfile("renv-github-") + on.exit(unlink(tempdir, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE) + untar(destfile, exdir = tempdir) + pkgdir <- dir(tempdir, full.names = TRUE)[[1]] + + # Modify description + desc_path <- file.path(pkgdir, "DESCRIPTION") + desc_lines <- readLines(desc_path) + remotes_fields <- c( + "RemoteType: github", + "RemoteHost: api.github.com", + "RemoteRepo: renv", + "RemoteUsername: rstudio", + "RemotePkgRef: rstudio/renv", + paste("RemoteRef: ", sha), + paste("RemoteSha: ", sha) + ) + writeLines(c(desc_lines[desc_lines != ""], remotes_fields), con = desc_path) + + # Re-tar + local({ + old <- setwd(tempdir) + on.exit(setwd(old), add = TRUE) + + tar(destfile, compression = "gzip") + }) + invisible() + } + + # Extract the commit hash from a git archive. Git archives include the SHA1 + # hash as the comment field of the tarball pax extended header + # (see https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-archive.html) + # For GitHub archives this should be the first header after the default one + # (512 byte) header. + renv_bootstrap_git_extract_sha1_tar <- function(bundle) { + + # open the bundle for reading + # We use gzcon for everything because (from ?gzcon) + # > Reading from a connection which does not supply a 'gzip' magic + # > header is equivalent to reading from the original connection + conn <- gzcon(file(bundle, open = "rb", raw = TRUE)) + on.exit(close(conn)) + + # The default pax header is 512 bytes long and the first pax extended header + # with the comment should be 51 bytes long + # `52 comment=` (11 chars) + 40 byte SHA1 hash + len <- 0x200 + 0x33 + res <- rawToChar(readBin(conn, "raw", n = len)[0x201:len]) + + if (grepl("^52 comment=", res)) { + sub("52 comment=", "", res) + } else { + NULL + } + } + + renv_bootstrap_install <- function(version, tarball, library) { + + # attempt to install it into project library + dir.create(library, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) + output <- renv_bootstrap_install_impl(library, tarball) + + # check for successful install + status <- attr(output, "status") + if (is.null(status) || identical(status, 0L)) + return(status) + + # an error occurred; report it + header <- "installation of renv failed" + lines <- paste(rep.int("=", nchar(header)), collapse = "") + text <- paste(c(header, lines, output), collapse = "\n") + stop(text) + + } + + renv_bootstrap_install_impl <- function(library, tarball) { + + # invoke using system2 so we can capture and report output + bin <- R.home("bin") + exe <- if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") "R.exe" else "R" + R <- file.path(bin, exe) + + args <- c( + "--vanilla", "CMD", "INSTALL", "--no-multiarch", + "-l", shQuote(path.expand(library)), + shQuote(path.expand(tarball)) + ) + + system2(R, args, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE) + + } + + renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix <- function() { + + # construct version prefix + version <- paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep = ".") + prefix <- paste("R", numeric_version(version)[1, 1:2], sep = "-") + + # include SVN revision for development versions of R + # (to avoid sharing platform-specific artefacts with released versions of R) + devel <- + identical(R.version[["status"]], "Under development (unstable)") || + identical(R.version[["nickname"]], "Unsuffered Consequences") + + if (devel) + prefix <- paste(prefix, R.version[["svn rev"]], sep = "-r") + + # build list of path components + components <- c(prefix, R.version$platform) + + # include prefix if provided by user + prefix <- renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix_impl() + if (!is.na(prefix) && nzchar(prefix)) + components <- c(prefix, components) + + # build prefix + paste(components, collapse = "/") + + } + + renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix_impl <- function() { + + # if an explicit prefix has been supplied, use it + prefix <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_PREFIX", unset = NA) + if (!is.na(prefix)) + return(prefix) + + # if the user has requested an automatic prefix, generate it + auto <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_PREFIX_AUTO", unset = NA) + if (auto %in% c("TRUE", "True", "true", "1")) + return(renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix_auto()) + + # empty string on failure + "" + + } + + renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix_auto <- function() { + + prefix <- tryCatch(renv_bootstrap_platform_os(), error = identity) + if (inherits(prefix, "error") || prefix %in% "unknown") { + + msg <- paste( + "failed to infer current operating system", + "please file a bug report at https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues", + sep = "; " + ) + + warning(msg) + + } + + prefix + + } + + renv_bootstrap_platform_os <- function() { + + sysinfo <- Sys.info() + sysname <- sysinfo[["sysname"]] + + # handle Windows + macOS up front + if (sysname == "Windows") + return("windows") + else if (sysname == "Darwin") + return("macos") + + # check for os-release files + for (file in c("/etc/os-release", "/usr/lib/os-release")) + if (file.exists(file)) + return(renv_bootstrap_platform_os_via_os_release(file, sysinfo)) + + # check for redhat-release files + if (file.exists("/etc/redhat-release")) + return(renv_bootstrap_platform_os_via_redhat_release()) + + "unknown" + + } + + renv_bootstrap_platform_os_via_os_release <- function(file, sysinfo) { + + # read /etc/os-release + release <- utils::read.table( + file = file, + sep = "=", + quote = c("\"", "'"), + col.names = c("Key", "Value"), + comment.char = "#", + stringsAsFactors = FALSE + ) + + vars <- as.list(release$Value) + names(vars) <- release$Key + + # get os name + os <- tolower(sysinfo[["sysname"]]) + + # read id + id <- "unknown" + for (field in c("ID", "ID_LIKE")) { + if (field %in% names(vars) && nzchar(vars[[field]])) { + id <- vars[[field]] + break + } + } + + # read version + version <- "unknown" + for (field in c("UBUNTU_CODENAME", "VERSION_CODENAME", "VERSION_ID", "BUILD_ID")) { + if (field %in% names(vars) && nzchar(vars[[field]])) { + version <- vars[[field]] + break + } + } + + # join together + paste(c(os, id, version), collapse = "-") + + } + + renv_bootstrap_platform_os_via_redhat_release <- function() { + + # read /etc/redhat-release + contents <- readLines("/etc/redhat-release", warn = FALSE) + + # infer id + id <- if (grepl("centos", contents, ignore.case = TRUE)) + "centos" + else if (grepl("redhat", contents, ignore.case = TRUE)) + "redhat" + else + "unknown" + + # try to find a version component (very hacky) + version <- "unknown" + + parts <- strsplit(contents, "[[:space:]]")[[1L]] + for (part in parts) { + + nv <- tryCatch(numeric_version(part), error = identity) + if (inherits(nv, "error")) + next + + version <- nv[1, 1] + break + + } + + paste(c("linux", id, version), collapse = "-") + + } + + renv_bootstrap_library_root_name <- function(project) { + + # use project name as-is if requested + asis <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY_ROOT_ASIS", unset = "FALSE") + if (asis) + return(basename(project)) + + # otherwise, disambiguate based on project's path + id <- substring(renv_bootstrap_hash_text(project), 1L, 8L) + paste(basename(project), id, sep = "-") + + } + + renv_bootstrap_library_root <- function(project) { + + prefix <- renv_bootstrap_profile_prefix() + + path <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY", unset = NA) + if (!is.na(path)) + return(paste(c(path, prefix), collapse = "/")) + + path <- renv_bootstrap_library_root_impl(project) + if (!is.null(path)) { + name <- renv_bootstrap_library_root_name(project) + return(paste(c(path, prefix, name), collapse = "/")) + } + + renv_bootstrap_paths_renv("library", project = project) + + } + + renv_bootstrap_library_root_impl <- function(project) { + + root <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY_ROOT", unset = NA) + if (!is.na(root)) + return(root) + + type <- renv_bootstrap_project_type(project) + if (identical(type, "package")) { + userdir <- renv_bootstrap_user_dir() + return(file.path(userdir, "library")) + } + + } + + renv_bootstrap_validate_version <- function(version, description = NULL) { + + # resolve description file + # + # avoid passing lib.loc to `packageDescription()` below, since R will + # use the loaded version of the package by default anyhow. note that + # this function should only be called after 'renv' is loaded + # https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/1625 + description <- description %||% packageDescription("renv") + + # check whether requested version 'version' matches loaded version of renv + sha <- attr(version, "sha", exact = TRUE) + valid <- if (!is.null(sha)) + renv_bootstrap_validate_version_dev(sha, description) + else + renv_bootstrap_validate_version_release(version, description) + + if (valid) + return(TRUE) + + # the loaded version of renv doesn't match the requested version; + # give the user instructions on how to proceed + remote <- if (!is.null(description[["RemoteSha"]])) { + paste("rstudio/renv", description[["RemoteSha"]], sep = "@") + } else { + paste("renv", description[["Version"]], sep = "@") + } + + # display both loaded version + sha if available + friendly <- renv_bootstrap_version_friendly( + version = description[["Version"]], + sha = description[["RemoteSha"]] + ) + + fmt <- paste( + "renv %1$s was loaded from project library, but this project is configured to use renv %2$s.", + "- Use `renv::record(\"%3$s\")` to record renv %1$s in the lockfile.", + "- Use `renv::restore(packages = \"renv\")` to install renv %2$s into the project library.", + sep = "\n" + ) + catf(fmt, friendly, renv_bootstrap_version_friendly(version), remote) + + FALSE + + } + + renv_bootstrap_validate_version_dev <- function(version, description) { + expected <- description[["RemoteSha"]] + is.character(expected) && startswith(expected, version) + } + + renv_bootstrap_validate_version_release <- function(version, description) { + expected <- description[["Version"]] + is.character(expected) && identical(expected, version) + } + + renv_bootstrap_hash_text <- function(text) { + + hashfile <- tempfile("renv-hash-") + on.exit(unlink(hashfile), add = TRUE) + + writeLines(text, con = hashfile) + tools::md5sum(hashfile) + + } + + renv_bootstrap_load <- function(project, libpath, version) { + + # try to load renv from the project library + if (!requireNamespace("renv", lib.loc = libpath, quietly = TRUE)) + return(FALSE) + + # warn if the version of renv loaded does not match + renv_bootstrap_validate_version(version) + + # execute renv load hooks, if any + hooks <- getHook("renv::autoload") + for (hook in hooks) + if (is.function(hook)) + tryCatch(hook(), error = warnify) + + # load the project + renv::load(project) + + TRUE + + } + + renv_bootstrap_profile_load <- function(project) { + + # if RENV_PROFILE is already set, just use that + profile <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PROFILE", unset = NA) + if (!is.na(profile) && nzchar(profile)) + return(profile) + + # check for a profile file (nothing to do if it doesn't exist) + path <- renv_bootstrap_paths_renv("profile", profile = FALSE, project = project) + if (!file.exists(path)) + return(NULL) + + # read the profile, and set it if it exists + contents <- readLines(path, warn = FALSE) + if (length(contents) == 0L) + return(NULL) + + # set RENV_PROFILE + profile <- contents[[1L]] + if (!profile %in% c("", "default")) + Sys.setenv(RENV_PROFILE = profile) + + profile + + } + + renv_bootstrap_profile_prefix <- function() { + profile <- renv_bootstrap_profile_get() + if (!is.null(profile)) + return(file.path("profiles", profile, "renv")) + } + + renv_bootstrap_profile_get <- function() { + profile <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PROFILE", unset = "") + renv_bootstrap_profile_normalize(profile) + } + + renv_bootstrap_profile_set <- function(profile) { + profile <- renv_bootstrap_profile_normalize(profile) + if (is.null(profile)) + Sys.unsetenv("RENV_PROFILE") + else + Sys.setenv(RENV_PROFILE = profile) + } + + renv_bootstrap_profile_normalize <- function(profile) { + + if (is.null(profile) || profile %in% c("", "default")) + return(NULL) + + profile + + } + + renv_bootstrap_path_absolute <- function(path) { + + substr(path, 1L, 1L) %in% c("~", "/", "\\") || ( + substr(path, 1L, 1L) %in% c(letters, LETTERS) && + substr(path, 2L, 3L) %in% c(":/", ":\\") + ) + + } + + renv_bootstrap_paths_renv <- function(..., profile = TRUE, project = NULL) { + renv <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_RENV", unset = "renv") + root <- if (renv_bootstrap_path_absolute(renv)) NULL else project + prefix <- if (profile) renv_bootstrap_profile_prefix() + components <- c(root, renv, prefix, ...) + paste(components, collapse = "/") + } + + renv_bootstrap_project_type <- function(path) { + + descpath <- file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION") + if (!file.exists(descpath)) + return("unknown") + + desc <- tryCatch( + read.dcf(descpath, all = TRUE), + error = identity + ) + + if (inherits(desc, "error")) + return("unknown") + + type <- desc$Type + if (!is.null(type)) + return(tolower(type)) + + package <- desc$Package + if (!is.null(package)) + return("package") + + "unknown" + + } + + renv_bootstrap_user_dir <- function() { + dir <- renv_bootstrap_user_dir_impl() + path.expand(chartr("\\", "/", dir)) + } + + renv_bootstrap_user_dir_impl <- function() { + + # use local override if set + override <- getOption("renv.userdir.override") + if (!is.null(override)) + return(override) + + # use R_user_dir if available + tools <- asNamespace("tools") + if (is.function(tools$R_user_dir)) + return(tools$R_user_dir("renv", "cache")) + + # try using our own backfill for older versions of R + envvars <- c("R_USER_CACHE_DIR", "XDG_CACHE_HOME") + for (envvar in envvars) { + root <- Sys.getenv(envvar, unset = NA) + if (!is.na(root)) + return(file.path(root, "R/renv")) + } + + # use platform-specific default fallbacks + if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") + file.path(Sys.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"), "R/cache/R/renv") + else if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Darwin") + "~/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R/R/renv" + else + "~/.cache/R/renv" + + } + + renv_bootstrap_version_friendly <- function(version, shafmt = NULL, sha = NULL) { + sha <- sha %||% attr(version, "sha", exact = TRUE) + parts <- c(version, sprintf(shafmt %||% " [sha: %s]", substring(sha, 1L, 7L))) + paste(parts, collapse = "") + } + + renv_bootstrap_exec <- function(project, libpath, version) { + if (!renv_bootstrap_load(project, libpath, version)) + renv_bootstrap_run(version, libpath) + } + + renv_bootstrap_run <- function(version, libpath) { + + # perform bootstrap + bootstrap(version, libpath) + + # exit early if we're just testing bootstrap + if (!is.na(Sys.getenv("RENV_BOOTSTRAP_INSTALL_ONLY", unset = NA))) + return(TRUE) + + # try again to load + if (requireNamespace("renv", lib.loc = libpath, quietly = TRUE)) { + return(renv::load(project = getwd())) + } + + # failed to download or load renv; warn the user + msg <- c( + "Failed to find an renv installation: the project will not be loaded.", + "Use `renv::activate()` to re-initialize the project." + ) + + warning(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE) + + } + + renv_json_read <- function(file = NULL, text = NULL) { + + jlerr <- NULL + + # if jsonlite is loaded, use that instead + if ("jsonlite" %in% loadedNamespaces()) { + + json <- tryCatch(renv_json_read_jsonlite(file, text), error = identity) + if (!inherits(json, "error")) + return(json) + + jlerr <- json + + } + + # otherwise, fall back to the default JSON reader + json <- tryCatch(renv_json_read_default(file, text), error = identity) + if (!inherits(json, "error")) + return(json) + + # report an error + if (!is.null(jlerr)) + stop(jlerr) + else + stop(json) + + } + + renv_json_read_jsonlite <- function(file = NULL, text = NULL) { + text <- paste(text %||% readLines(file, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n") + jsonlite::fromJSON(txt = text, simplifyVector = FALSE) + } + + renv_json_read_default <- function(file = NULL, text = NULL) { + + # find strings in the JSON + text <- paste(text %||% readLines(file, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n") + pattern <- '["](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^"\\\\]))*?["]' + locs <- gregexpr(pattern, text, perl = TRUE)[[1]] + + # if any are found, replace them with placeholders + replaced <- text + strings <- character() + replacements <- character() + + if (!identical(c(locs), -1L)) { + + # get the string values + starts <- locs + ends <- locs + attr(locs, "match.length") - 1L + strings <- substring(text, starts, ends) + + # only keep those requiring escaping + strings <- grep("[[\\]{}:]", strings, perl = TRUE, value = TRUE) + + # compute replacements + replacements <- sprintf('"\032%i\032"', seq_along(strings)) + + # replace the strings + mapply(function(string, replacement) { + replaced <<- sub(string, replacement, replaced, fixed = TRUE) + }, strings, replacements) + + } + + # transform the JSON into something the R parser understands + transformed <- replaced + transformed <- gsub("{}", "`names<-`(list(), character())", transformed, fixed = TRUE) + transformed <- gsub("[[{]", "list(", transformed, perl = TRUE) + transformed <- gsub("[]}]", ")", transformed, perl = TRUE) + transformed <- gsub(":", "=", transformed, fixed = TRUE) + text <- paste(transformed, collapse = "\n") + + # parse it + json <- parse(text = text, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = NULL)[[1L]] + + # construct map between source strings, replaced strings + map <- as.character(parse(text = strings)) + names(map) <- as.character(parse(text = replacements)) + + # convert to list + map <- as.list(map) + + # remap strings in object + remapped <- renv_json_read_remap(json, map) + + # evaluate + eval(remapped, envir = baseenv()) + + } + + renv_json_read_remap <- function(json, map) { + + # fix names + if (!is.null(names(json))) { + lhs <- match(names(json), names(map), nomatch = 0L) + rhs <- match(names(map), names(json), nomatch = 0L) + names(json)[rhs] <- map[lhs] + } + + # fix values + if (is.character(json)) + return(map[[json]] %||% json) + + # handle true, false, null + if (is.name(json)) { + text <- as.character(json) + if (text == "true") + return(TRUE) + else if (text == "false") + return(FALSE) + else if (text == "null") + return(NULL) + } + + # recurse + if (is.recursive(json)) { + for (i in seq_along(json)) { + json[i] <- list(renv_json_read_remap(json[[i]], map)) + } + } + + json + + } + + # load the renv profile, if any + renv_bootstrap_profile_load(project) + + # construct path to library root + root <- renv_bootstrap_library_root(project) + + # construct library prefix for platform + prefix <- renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix() + + # construct full libpath + libpath <- file.path(root, prefix) + + # run bootstrap code + renv_bootstrap_exec(project, libpath, version) + + invisible() + +}) diff --git a/renv/settings.json b/renv/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffdbb3200f779343ad1aa1a2fb6c74a02fd9b365 --- /dev/null +++ b/renv/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "bioconductor.version": null, + "external.libraries": [], + "ignored.packages": [], + "package.dependency.fields": [ + "Imports", + "Depends", + "LinkingTo" + ], + "ppm.enabled": null, + "ppm.ignored.urls": [], + "r.version": null, + "snapshot.type": "implicit", + "use.cache": true, + "vcs.ignore.cellar": true, + "vcs.ignore.library": true, + "vcs.ignore.local": true, + "vcs.manage.ignores": true +} diff --git a/shiny_tutorial.Rmd b/shiny_tutorial.Rmd new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e79e71de602a0ae3d81f9964042d76d150cdd0e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/shiny_tutorial.Rmd @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +title: "Développement d'une application Shiny" +output: learnr::tutorial +runtime: shiny_prerendered +--- + +```{r setup, include=FALSE} +library(learnr) +``` + + +### Introduction + +Pour le tutoriel, nous allons utiliser un jeu de données intégré à R, nommé Iris. Il recense les tailles de pétales et de sépales pour un ensemble d'individus "iris" de trois espèces différentes, setosa, versicolor et virginica. + +Exécuter le code, bouton `Run code`, suivant pour afficher les premières lignes du jeu de données: + +```{r iris, exercise=TRUE} +head(iris) +``` + +